About CodeRescue

You need a world-class expert to help you build exceptional technologies for your business.

Tim Mensch founded CodeRescue to help founders achieve their visions. He has been developing software of all types, from games to high performance servers to IoT firmware, for over thirty years.

Not all developers are created equal. If you're here, you've likely discovered this already. When you hire a team led by a gifted developer, you'll find that many aspects of the project will run much more smoothly.

Customer Communication

Tim won't just blindly "do what you ask." He will ask why you're requesting a particular feature, as there are often more cost-effective ways to achieve the same goals.

Solid Foundation

Tim can create a solid foundation that supports the entire project.

Agility in Development

Many consultants talk about "agile," but true agility requires a deep understanding of what you're developing—and the raw speed that only the best developers can demonstrate.

Free Consultation

Request a free consultation today!

Our values

We produce products we can be proud of.

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    Integrity and Ethics

    We don't work on products we don't believe in or that seem designed to harm or scam people. Tim believes that most cryptocurrency and NFT products fall into this category and has refused many "Web3" contracts as a result.

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    Dedication to Learning

    Tim stays up-to-date with current developments in programming, software architecture, tools, and AI research so that he can advise you on the best technologies to meet your particular needs.

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    Beyond the Bare Minimum

    Many consultants adopt the attitude of "If it works for me, it's done." Tim, however, keeps the team focused on building code that works under all conditions—not just the first test case the developer thought to try.